Wireless at Bleeker/MacDougal
Dissatified with alt.coffee I went searching for a better location to work from. In the months in San Francisco, I first used 802.11 ready coffee shops as an escape from our overly small apartment. Since them, I’ve come to depend on them, the bustle of strangers, the music in the background, the ready supply of caffiene, a fast net connection, have become key components to a productive work session.
I stil haven’t found the ideal location, but the node at Bleeker & Macdougal seems to do alright. I found a quiet cafe, most bistro then coffee shop, that was all too happy to serve over priced iced coffee during the dead period between lunch and early dinner. I saw several more promising locales, but they were much too crowded to find space and electricity, still, with more patience, determination, or battery life, they could have been ideal.