More Python Links
It was a good day at Daily Python-URL.
Good Python Evangelism
- Python: Yes, You SHOULD Be Using it! Quickstart guide to Python. Want to write a python CGI, but finding there are no known examples in captivity? Use the interactive environment that people have been gloating over? Heard Python was good for embedding it? Its all right here, in a few short pages.
- Python in the enterprise: Pros and cons High level and informed, compares Python to PHP, and Java without getting bogged down in the endless language aesthetic debates. (PHP being the penultimate triumph of worse is better)
Bad Python Evangelism
- Getting Loopy with Python and Perl compares Perl to Python, using nasty, hard to read Perl idioms based on implicit variables. Sure you can write code like this.
while (<STDIN>) { print; }
But I won’t invite you to play in my codebase.
- Web apps always seem to be breakdown of the XP mantra “test, test, test”, could Puffin be an answer?
- Yet another python web framework? CherryPy has a cute name, but I wish that the community could converge a little bit. Odd that Perl with its strong, centrally organized CPAN, and established tools is known as the TIMTOWTDI language.
- Metrics for judging code quality? Pythuis judges the quality of your python code. Something tells me this wouldn’t work well with Perl.