Yet More Media and Politics MLPs
Spent a long time surfing last night, in case you couldn’t tell
- score all the pork we can before they impeach us about how Cheney’s old pals at Haliburton got the contract to build the special prison for the illegal detained prisoners.
- Lynching John Walker Lindh – Counterpunch looks at the overwhelming evidence that Lindh was in no way connected to terrorism, and the even more overwhelming silence from the corporate media. In fact if he had made it to the Afhgan front just a few years earlier, the CIA might have paid him to be there.
- Country Western Singer Chad Brock states everyone should learn English.
Now making fun of Country Western singers is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel, so to speak.
Zompist however has a fascinating article on Why people learn languages? And how to make them learn yours, that among other things dispel the notion that, “My ancestors learned by ‘sink or swim’; so can you”. - The Memory Hole exists to preserve and spread material that is in danger of being lost, is hard to find, or is not widely known. This includes: Government files, Corporate memos, Court documents.
Also the video of a certain teenager getting beaten by the LAPD, and my favorite (in honor of David Rovics) a photo of the auto pioneer being awarded the Nazis’ highest honor—with a personal message from Hitler - Wow even neo-liberals like Stiglitz are starting to agree with us!