Satire is dead
Tom Tomorrow is struggling to come to grips with the insight of an earlier generation of political satirists. Much like Tom Leher before him, who uttered those immortal words after Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Peace prize, Tomorrow is struggling to cope with his cartoon about the Junior Homeland Security Corps becoming a reality in OperationTIPS
In his own words:
Facism is a term thrown about too freely, and I don’t believe we’re at a point that its use is justified — but an oppressive and intrusive government, however you want to label it, does not ride into town wearing the uniforms and waving the flags of recognizable evil. It creeps in slowly, wrapped in the flag of your own country, and speaking the language of patriotism and duty, and at each step along the way, its actions seem plausible and defensible — until one morning you wake up and realize the gulf between the way things were and the way things are has grown so wide that there is no going back.