A Summer Weekend
For all I’ve complained about Boston’s week of 90+ weather, with 100% humidity, I confess I rediscovered my love of summer this weekend. There are some things you can only do during the summer.
- Plan to take a long 3 day weekend in Amherst, MA, but instead spend Friday morning lounging in bed, rendered happily immobile and drowsy by the heat.
- Forget to call friends about a place to stay until it is already too late. Make late night run to 24 hour Super Stop ‘n Shop for blankets and pillow, on sale. Spread out blanket and pillow under the stars, on the bank of the Conneticut river.
- Wake with sun. Take early early morning swim in pond normally overrun with people. Notice how swimming does away with that 13in height difference quite nicely.
- Eat a picnic from Black Sheep, on the Bridge of Flowers in Shellburne, on our way to hinterlands to visit MassMOCA.
- Spread out afore mentioned blanket on hood of car at Northfield Drive-In. Enjoy retro expirence, and bad movies.
- Stay too late at the drive-in, sleep in car along side of the road in humid darkness, listen to crickets.