When MLPs Attack!
burton: on allowing user driven text selections with ahoy!. A real boon to annotation and collaborative editting projects like crit and fip.
eldred:Good blogging on Eldred vs. Mickey abounds, lessig, seth, aaronsw, lisa
misnomer: is on fire, lots and lots of good stuff over there, in particular, Morality, War, and Journalism
digital radio: Somewhere in rural New York, I forced Josh to listen to an off the cuff riff on how cool in-band digital radio could be, after seeing one of those silly fin antennas that satellite radio uses. Little did I know that a few days before, the FCC was giving away the future yet again. Digital has a chance to change the face of communication, but currently every time something goes digital corporate control goes up, diversity goes down, and your rights go away.
The NAB’s arguements make then a prime category for Up is Down with arguments that low power radio stations were going to cause interference, but their own 500 watt stations won’t cause any bleed into the adjancencies. Read more at digital disaster, google news.