Catching Up
Cozens: “Shamans have long known the value of the correct and definitive naming of things; programmers of libraries and modules would do well to rediscover it.” On one (of several) reasons why CPAN is SO much more successful then the bevy of similiar projects that have sprung up for Python, Ruby, PHP, Java, etc.
Guardian: On “‘Hairies’ – undercover cops who created false identities to infiltrate radical protest groups.”
Paul Krugman: The New Deal fought inequality through manipulation of social norms?
BritishSpin: “Paul Krugman isn’t even left wing. He’s just a skilled expositer of an ultra moderate form of social democracy.“, on the gulf between American and British politics. (via davosnewbie)
A nice sounding wireless cafe in San Jose, (via oblomovka)
A nice looking tutorial on Axis, the next generation Apache SOAP 2.3, now-its-supposed-to-be-easy, toolkit in Java.
PHPCon2002: Why Yahoo is switching away from their home-rolled solution, and to PHP. Perl gets knocked, justifiably for the “There Is More Then One Way To Do It” mentality. (see state of Perl web development)
Jon Udell: Bellheads vs. Netheads, voice-over-ip is a cool chance to own the infastructure (aka seize the means of production) but I just don’t see us winning as long as the Bells own the backbones.
Chandler is Mitch Kapor’s new, much hyped, open vapour PIM. I feel like I have to blog it, being a calendar guy, but I can’t get excited about it. But maybe you can? Afterall, Lotus Agenda rocked, yoz talks about why it rocked, in particular its free-form data entry. And free form data entry could be a lot cooler these days with a huge database (aka the Web) at our finger tips. Example, I say “Research projects named Chandler on Friday”, and Chandler can answer the question, Who is Raymond Chandler? (warning pop-up ad) Vista is a Chanlder prototype