Chandler – A Modern PIM?
Chandler is Mitch Kapor’s new, much hyped, open vapour PIM. I feel like I have to blog it, being a calendar guy, but I can’t get excited about it. But maybe you can?
Afterall, Lotus Agenda rocked, yoz talks about why it rocked, in particular its free-form data entry. And free form data entry could be a lot cooler these days with a huge database (aka the Web) at our finger tips. Example, I say “Research projects named Chandler on Friday”, and Chandler can answer the question, Who is Raymond Chandler? (warning pop-up ad)
Update, 11/1 Not so vapor? Vista is a Chandler prototype in Python. Kapor talks about managing vapor.
Update, 11/5 Went out with a bunch of ex-Lotus folks last Friday. We crowded into “the best dive bar in Somerville” to listen to a set of really bad rock with good wigs, followed by Mark’s surprisingly good Buffalo Tom impressions. Between sets, and “I didn’t know you were back in Boston”, people kept saying “when I heard about this, I thought of you, this is what you should be working on.” None of the members from the original Agenda team were there, but I’m thinking about IMing them.