I’ve always been a little uncomfortable with the Harry Potter character, but Chris Suellentrop has gone much further, examining Rowling’s revisionist work, and coming to some startling conclusions.

Harry Potter is the handsome jock, with the trust fund, and the political connections who consistently grabs glory from his friends Ron and Hermione. He skates through his studies like a grunt on an athletic scholarship, but is showered adulation and respect, and given access to most rarified circles. His successes, when he has them, largely follow from gifts friends and relatives lavish upon him. And his most famous acomplishment, which he has parlayed into a near universal adoration, is that his mother saved him as a baby.

He sounds more and more, like a scion of the silver spoon in the mouth, play boy, sweater set, Ivory leaguers who are currently powerhouses in this country, and a back stabbing, ladder climbing out at that.

Read Chris Suellentrop’s Harry Potter: Pampered jock, patsy, fraud for a detailed expose.