MLPs for a Meta-Web
In the queue
Reactive Interfaces
- Flamenco, a smarter searching interface is overwhelming, but interesting. Presenting multiple avenue to browse from each search result.
- BBC facelift hilights BBC’s subtle use of color over time to reward return visitors.
Facetted Classification
Bottoms Up: Designing complex, adaptive systems, from the co-author of the Polar Bear book.- On: Why Yahoo inspired taxonomy build is a bad idea, that generates unusable results.
- Says: Facetted classification is about changing questions. In taxonomy based systems the central question is “where do I put this?” but in facetted (bottom up) approch you ask “how do I describe this?”.
- Facetted classification can also be thought of as a database where ” facets are fields, [and] controlled vocabularies are acceptable values.”
See also - EmergentArchitecture