I’ve got a new digital camera, and with that comes new dilemmas, I need a new gallery program.

A Photo Library

I don’t have a lot of space on my drive right now, I’m thinking about springing for an external, but until such time this gallery needs to function as both a public and semi-public exhibition space, as well as my personal photo library. ### Desired Feature Set

I have been using Gallery which is simple, web driven, and has some good features like nested albums, a rich permissions system, and multiple levels of re-scale. All good things. Missing is facetted classification. I want to be able to mark up my photo as being in Santa Cruz, on the Beach, with Family, or a Natue Close Up, or from New Year’s Party. I suppose it isn’t critical, but it would really help.

And on the flip side, I don’t need all of Gallery’s features, the web driven interface, the movie support, comments, so I’m paying an overhead for those in terms of speed and complexitiy. Would be just as happy with a cli alternative. And Gallery seems to have security problems I could do without.


Any suggestions?