Macintouch (who doesn’t seem to have permalinks) has the first review I’ve seen of the new 12in Aluminum Powerbooks. My Vaio is dieing, and I’m unable to decide what to replace it with. I’ve been leaning towards an iBook, but they are so heavy! (for someone who walks everywhere, and carries their laptop everywhere).

Review touches on a few of my concerns:

1. The small size and the structural rigidity of the machine are AMAZING….size decrease from the iBook is noticable

What I’ve always liked about the iBooks was they felt solid, my Vaio is soso on this account and the TiBooks feel like they are going to shatter if you look at then cross-eyed. Having played with the 17in Aluminum (no 12in in stock yet) I have to say, even that felt small, but in a good way. > 4. I like the keyboard a lot…

Keyboards are super super important. I live and die by my keyboard. My Vaio still has my favorite keyboard ever (except the keys are wearing out), but I like the feel of the Aluminum’s keyboard as well. > 6. IT GETS HOT. [emphasis not added]

Umm, I wonder how that compares to say the old G3 laptops getting hot? I sit for hours and hours with my laptop on my lap (imagine), I need to not end up like that guy in Switzerland. > 7. It is VERY quiet.

That would be nice. Sometimes I get annoyed looks from across the room when using my Vaio which has only gotten louder with age. Jasmine refuses to work in the same room as me as she says its too loud to think around. Its a problem. Review fails to mention 2 very key factors for me

  • Its bloody expensive! The low end is $1800!
  • Battery life. Battery life is like the location of retail. As far as I’m concerned all laptops should be reviewed on a scale of battery life to weight.
  • Linux compatibility would be nice to know to, but I’m not worried on that front.

Been watching Josh look for a new laptop has been discouraging, I don’t like anything out there in PC land.

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