Plugin for Sidebar Blog
Rabble complained that he never remembered to check to see if the MLPs section had been updated, and suggested I add an entry each day hilighting the MLP section.
So many hours later, I know more about the Moveable Type plugin architecture then I would care to. In the end however, with my many expirements cast to the side, it turned out not to be as difficult as I thought.
I stole some inspiration from MTOnThisDay, and wrapped the call in MTOtherBlog. And now I have a way to pull in the contents of my sidebar blog.
Without further ado, MTEntriesOnThisDate, which provides 2 tags.
- MTEntriesOnThisDate – is a container tag that can be used to setup an entries array.
- MTEntriesOnThisDateCount – provides a count (my true desire in all this) of the entries on a given date.
So to display the headlines, from ones sidebar blog, on a given date you use: ```
<MTOtherBlog blogname="other"> </MTOtherBlog> </MTDateFooter> ``` Or, the purpose of all this, a quick listing of updates ``` <$MTEntryTitle$>
``` <a href="#mlp_<$MTEntryDate format="%Y%m%d"$>"><$MTEntriesOnThisDateCount$> new MLPs</a>