Came across an intresting WEF report back from a journalist who got one of the special golden tickets. Started out as a private email, eventually hit a mailing list, and from where the public archives, and from there…the world. Now its at the heart of its own little controversy. This has been an ongoing problem with IMC as well, email, prevalent archives, and Google are radically re-shaping the face of privacy, and not in a thoughtful or prescriptive way.

Interesting excerpt:

Al Qaeda, they say, is like a brand which has been heavily franchised.

The parallels to anti-globalization organization like Indymedia or ATTAC are very clear. And bit alarming giving our blossoming security state. This is what Net War is about. update: read the Bruce Sterling annotated version of the famous email. [via moreLikeThis]

The tipping-point is gonna come when these Seattle ’99 street canaille stop waving their anarchist black flags, and start waving light-blue UN flags, because they are all commercially underwritten by billionaire BINGOs (Big International Non-Governmental Organizations).

and > One brick through the window of a French McDonald’s – vandalism. Ten thousand bricks through ten thousand French McDonald’s – more effective than napalm. McDonald’s, Monsanto, Microsoft… and hey, that’s just the M’s.

and > “Entire sessions were devoted to arguing which poses the greater asymmetric threat: nuclear, chemical or biological weapons.” (((Or, if you’re Argentinian, the International Monetary Fund.)))

Good stuff.