A housemate had an extra ticket to the Providence Trinity Rep’s stage interpretation of Barbara Ehrenreich ‘s Nickel and Dimed tonight.

The production, directing, and set were amazing. The work of adapting a book like Nickeled into a compelling narrative intimidating and impressive. Sets constantly rose and fell from the floor, odd piston actions lifting car seats, narrow motel beds, and fast food booths into view. The “Mall-Mart” racks were brilliant. The few times the actors called the play to a halt to wade out into the audience, “lifting their masks” to have conversation about the issues addressed were very well done, and unexpected.

The acting however wasn’t up to par. Not sure if this was a sneak preview, or if my standards have been polished to a snobbish peak by too many years of good theater. It felt forced, and at times very broad and campy. Method acting, cross dressing and thick accents. Its possible to have a small cast do ensemble acting without caricature, but its challenging, and Trinity wasn’t up to the challenge tonight.

I also wondered about the dynamic of a play about working at Wal-Mart and Denny’s with $40 tickets. Sort of an economic minstrelsy. At one point the crowd was asked who had a maid clean their house. You could map out the obstructed view, and cheap seats in sharp relief to a sea of hands.

Still I enjoyed myself. I love theater, and it was entertaining. And more importantly before the show we squeezed eight of us into a booth at the Trinity Brewhouse for the most amazing Russian Imperial Stout I’ve ever tasted, and formidable Double Bocks and IPAs.