I just got this email from one of the lead partners of a small consulting firm I do work for from time to time:


Due to the position of the French government regarding recent international events I have decided to stop supporting our regular domain registration provider, Gandi.net.

Gandi.net is a pro-terrorism organization that openly supports the French government and is even proud of being French. They display a French flag prominently on their website and regardless of overwhelming international pressure from both the United States and Brittain, Gandi refuses to remove this propoganda. They have increased their efforts by adopting a French color scheme and continuing to use a French acronym for their name.

For these reasons I am refusing to use Gandi to register any further domains that are for internal or external Eggplant use. I am switching to Verisign.


Of course, It was the first of April. That surely had something to do with it.