Can I just say stylesheets are rocking my world? Been struggling for a bit with this Javascript project that felt like it had an inheritance hierarchy embedded into the solution, but try as I might I just wasn’t able to cajole the neccessary logic out of Javascript. Today I reached a moment of mental clarity, moving the inheritance (and intelligence) to the stylesheets and relegating the Javascript to the trivial glue that it was intended for. It was beautiful. (not to knock Javascript too hard, the new paradigm of DOM based programming has made working in Javascript a much more pleasant expirence then it was when I left 3-4 years ago)

Over the last year my relationshp with stylesheets has gone from confused and wary, to confused and enthusiastic. Moveable Type helped a lot shipping with real life stylesheets that worked and looked good, but it’s Eric Meyer on CSS (website) and his brand of pragamatic markup that in the last few days has really brought it all home for me. Still not a guru by any means, but starting to grok.

later: Clarity is like a drug. I’ve come down off the trip. I feel all wrung out, and kind of hollow. The world is kind of washed out. (caffeine abuse might also have something to do with this feeling) Still, it’s why I got into this game.

From Eric Meyer on CSS:

I came into this game for the action, the excitement. Go anywhere, travel light, get in, get out, wherever there’s trouble, a man alone.