Bad Day for Thinking
Either Trader Joe’s has started spiking their Moka Java with something (my favorite coffee ever, short of Rao’s Sumatra, which is embarrasing to admit, because it seems so plebian you know? who believe you care about coffee if your choice coffee comes in a 2lb can from a super market?), but as I was saying, Trade Joe’s has either started spiking their coffee with something, or my previously unknown ADD is kicking in strong today. If you get a random email from me with half the sentences unfinished you’ll know why. Biella suggests that we might need “special DSM IV just for programmers and sysadmins”, and she studies this stuff (programmers and sysadmins at least), so she should know, right?
More on Moka Java
TJ’s Moka Java uses a particularily winy (thats good!) Ethopian instead of the more traditional Yemen beans, so while it maintains that “giddy” and “floral” taste traditionally associated with Moka Java, it has a richer chocolate finish. Down side, Ethopian coffees vary wildly in quality from crop to crop, so if you have a bad cup, its not my poor taste, really.