I always feel a little guilty about this weblog, afterall I seem to be in the short list of IMC related weblogs, I’ve got a media category grown dusty and unused, I should be posting something more substantial. But I don’t. In many ways this space is escape; technology, books, coffee, a bit of culture, these are all soothing topics. What is being done to our media system, the last, gasping, dying remnants of that public sphere so critical for a functional democracy is upsetting, depressing, scary, and frustrating by turn. I try to do other work to counteract it, but I just can’t bring myself to blog about it.

Which is why you should all be reading Media Geek. Also AaronSW seems to be back from his hiatus with a few thoughts about media consolidation.

(hmmm, “blog as escape” is probably why I also haven’t blogged some of the really rotten things that have happened this week, like getting mugged[I’m fine], or bleeding gums [separate incident]. Self knowledge, better late then never)