“Sorry, we got a lower bid, we’ll keep you in mind for future projects.”

Yes of course you got a lower bid. Just like that last low bid you got, which ran 5 month over, which is why you asked me to fix the damn thing, but now it turns out, 5 months later, that you never really knew what you wanted to begin with, but you don’t realize that, its just one or two more “bug fixes” away from your heart’s content, and so you send it out for bid again, and take the low ball bidder who has never seen the project, and will undoubtably spend the next 5 months bringing you back to where you already are. They say humans are distinguished by their ability to learn and adapt, tonight I’m not convinced.

I am so sick of people telling me they got a lower bid, most days I happily think, “Their loss!”, and throw them to the wolves, but some days it would be nice if we, whose interests are clearly aligned, could collaborate, I guarentee your project will work, not be a half broken derelict, that hobbles along until one day the duct tape gives out and the whole thing collapse at your feet, thrown together by a half trained amateur, and you, could you give me a little faith, some time, a few resources, a little money? Some days the mediocracy is disheartening.

For the Boston residents in the crowd, the Big Dig is being built by the low ball bid as well.

Not aimed at anyone in particular, this is an amalgamation of recent expirences.