While not phpMyAdmin’s 2 million, this week MagpieRSS had its 2000th download, which feels moderately successful for my obscure little project. More telling for me has been the steady stream of enthusiastic feedback I’ve gotten over the last 8 months. And most rewarding of all, has been seeing people build on my humble foundations, a phenomena which has been picking up steam recently.

Some Recent Hilights

Magpie got its first “celebrity endorsement” recently as the parser of choice for Scott’s innovative RSS search engine Feedster. Laze hooked up gnews2rss with Magpie to create an automatic custom clipping service; an idea that Tim is extending over at the phenomenal and timely SARS Watch, while MyAntiWar.org uses a hand selected pool of feeds to aggregate headlines on war and peace, publishing them as an attractive website, and cumulative RSS feed for re-syndication.
Magpie has been integrated with Midgard for the OSCOM site, and rumor has it with PostNuke as well. Early adopter, Infinite Penguin’s RSS Viewer has a new version out and continues to be the simplest way to integrate RSS with your web page, fast and attractively. Most recent adopter is probably Steve’s Feed on Feeds server-side aggregator. If I had any decency I’d let the man get a 0.1 version out the door before chattering about it, but I’ve installed the 0.0 version (took 2 minutes including download time), and am already happily using it.