Redesigned (Did you notice?)
A redesign was long overdue. In fact so long overdue I’m rolling this out before its quite done. Redesigned archives, and functioning About, and Links pages will follow shortly.
In some ways this design is a regression. I feel a bit guilty, like an ingrate or a caveman just shown the glistening MT rocket ship of XHTML 1.0 compliance, and pure CSS layout, but whom prefers his more familiar approach of banging 2 rocks together to get fire. Oook! Well I’ve only used 2 tables, not nested, and only 4 <td>s. So there has been some progress. By interesting to see if my Google ranking suffers from less optimally semantic markup.
And thanks to Jasmine for holding my hand as I ventured back into the scary world of propietary software (Photoshop 7 is a beast), as well as general brainstorming and aesthetic consultation. As always the bad descisions are mine, good ones are hers. (except for not re-doing the entire site in Flash, that was my idea)
In response to the inevitable, “Um, Kellan, is it supposed to look like that?”, if you’re using Mozilla, or Safari under OS X then yes, if you’re using MacIE 5 not quite, but almost. Still don’t have my Linux partition on this machine yet (no excuses, I suck) so I can’t tell you about Linux browsers but probably, barring disastrous font interactions. (A quick check shows Mozilla [all platforms] at 34% browser share, and Safari at 24%, with Mac’s making up 27% of the readership and Unix [primarily Linux] 17%)
update [6/21]: added a precedence rule to deal with the fact that sometimes I wrap my blog body in <p> and sometimes I just let the template handle it. So you’re getting a little extra whitespace in IE. But can I just tell you how much I love CSS? [when it works] Feels like I can use all my programming/OO instincts and apply it to design! (the extra rule btw is: .blogbody .posted+p { margin-top: 0px }