Burningbird has a great post discussing the Bush’s latest homophobic behaviour, the “Wag the Dog” like timing of it all (steering us away from asking the president hard questions back into the quagmire of permacontroversy), and ties it to the ongoing cultural attack on feminism.

In the same post she also looks at how (and why) the Catholic church is shifting the debate.

The Vatican has also called against gay marriages in this country, issuing a 12-page document on the issue. According to the Kansas City Star’s report on the document: Gay adoptions “mean doing violence to these children.”

Considering the Catholic Church’s recent problems with child molestation, one pauses when one reads a document saying that that gay adoptions are doing violence to children.

Finally a friend asked me to pass along the Millions for Marriage petition, I’m not sure I believe in online petitions or a state regulated notion of marriage, but there you go.