I feel like there is an interesting and informative blog entry to be written about our changing culture, and experimentations in new ways of producing media, based on: Mass Amateurisation of Nearly Everything‘s claims that its about the computers (means of production) and access to information (via ted), this CJR article on Indymedia, which touches on the conflict between independent and corporate media’s approaches (and some of the difficulties we’ve faced). Mix in another CJR article this time on the failure of the alt. weeklies (via mediageek), ostensibly the professionalized progressive media, to live up to their promise, and attempts by The Dominion and the New Standard, a new subscription based progressive news outlet, (via anarchogeek) to add more professionalism back into the mix (in different ways) and there is definitely an entry just waiting to be written. But not by me, at least not today.