Korean Farmer & Advocate Takes His Own Life in Protest of WTO
Lee Kyung Hai, a farmer and activist, took his own life today, to protest how the a decade of WTO policies are killing (quite literally) small farmers through out the world.
Media Blackout?
I flipped through the NYTimes and didn’t find any mention of this, so I searched their site, and turned up a blank, so I went to Google News, and searched for even the barest of mention korean+cancun+farmer (trying to avoid the problem of Kyung name being spelled different ways), and I found 4 pages of results consisting of the usual suspects (Alternet, Infoshop), newswires, and asian press. 4 pages of results on news.google.com is what you expect when the daughter of a congressmen loses her kitten, its a non-story. Noticeably absent were any major U.S. news outlet. Am I wrong? Did I miss one? Tell me it isn’t this bad.