Collected Calendar Links from Blogdom.
aka I love Feedster
I’m not really able to keep up with blogdom like I used to. Which is why I love Feedster. Collected links of the recent discussion of iCalendar, RSS, and events.
David Galbraith speculates about how to patch event info into RSS 0.92 using structured URLs. I like structured URLs, but why not use an RSS format that supports namespaces?
Marc Canter draws a picture of a “next generation event aggregator” mediating between websites, and traditional event stores..
Nick has a cute event widget mockup
Surfmind is maintaining an RSS+event feed for the Red Light Cafe and musing about next steps and MozCal integration.
Libby proposes a dencentralized Upcoming based on ical, foaf and movable type.
NewsGoat is publishing the OK Mensa calendar with Moveable Type and Brad Choate style magic.
Also the W3C roadshow is available as an .ics file.
Jon is playing with prying information out of Outlook.
Element12 is wondering why there has been no effective implementation of an “add this to my diary”.