Salon has an article nicely summing up the current state of electronic voting systems, and they are criminally bad. BoingBoing summarizes it like so:

Salon is running an astonishing interview with Bev Harris, the whistle-blower who broke the news that the computerized voting machines in use across America are not only insecure, but deliberately so, because insecure machines are easier for the techs from Diebold and other suppliers to “fix” when they have embarassing failures (of course, they’re also easy for anyone else who wants to “fix” an election). Diebold hasn’t denied that the leaked memos that Harris published are real — rather, they’ve owned up to them and asserted a copyright on them, threatening her with a DMCA suit if she doesn’t take them off the web.

(via carl who also draws our attention to the fact that King County, WA is “famous in Diebold circles for using secret back doors to the Diebold software. This is profoundly bad news.”)