Indymedia: Edward Said, Great Intellectual & Passionate Advocate for Palestinian Cause, Dies at 67

Robert Fisk: Palestinian, intellectual, and fighter, Edward Said dies at age 67

Steven Johnson: Remembering Edward Said

The Guardian: Edward Said

It is a tragedy that it is only in death that a great advocate like Said is allowed to be celebrated in his complex, and brilliant entirety. Easily pigeon holed as “that Palestinian activist”, as if ethnicity and ethics were somehow linked, the public sphere has by and large forgot the incisive academic that helped introduce critical theory to the American academy (where it still struggles). Orientalism was one of the first books I read that made me aware of reality as a contested space, and continues to help shape my critique. He will be missed.

A friend also noted that , though unconnected, yesterday’s refusal by 27 Israeli army pilots to attack civilians in Palestine was a fitting tribute.