A Few For the Jargon File
Recently when commenting on a “cute” piece of technology, I was called on my geekdom.
“Geeks always describe technology as cute, or sexy. And bad things are blog.”
Silence. “You mean, ‘blah’?”
“Yeah, that’s it.”
I had never thought of “blah” as geek speak, but with my newly heightened awareness, I have to concede that it is.
Geekier still, I’ve caught myself referring to being “pegged for time”, or just “pegged”. (this is in the CPU sense of the word, and not that other sense [see: Dan Savage]).
And lastly, while I was confirming that the Jargon File has neither of these idioms, is generally out of date, and whose interest is largely as a historical document, I discovered the Mozilla Jargon file.
I think I’ll change my job title to ‘porkjockey’.