I’m a little out of the practice at paying for disk and bandwidth having spent the last several years getting as much bandwidth as we could fill, and as many disks as we could cram into a given box for pretty much free. So I thought I’d ask for suggestions.

I was thinking of moving my gallery off the dev machine where it currently lives to something that was actually meant to be a publicly facing box. In the past whenever someone has actually wanted to pay for hosting my recommendation has always been pair.com. They’re cheap, they’re reliable, they’ve been in the business for forever (rabble and my little dotcom lived at pair for a while in ’97 after we migrated off our college shell account), and they’ve got good options. What they don’t have is flexibility, you can have anything you want as long as it is one of their 7 shades of black.

I’m looking for a high disk quota (pictures), low bandwidth account (of interest to me and a few friends and family), plus php and perl for a reasonable price. Currently using approx. 300M (that will go up), and about 5-7M/day (that probably won’t)
