Tonight is a night to celebrate. Four very long years later the last of the Active installs are finally being put to rest. At one point this weekend the older generation of IMC-Tech volunteers was accused of suffering from “post traumatic Active syndrome”, and I’ll confess that there was something to the claim.

There was also a stab to retire Arthur’s seminal Indymedia logo/layout, the hugely influential combo that came to be the IMC branded look and was done sometime in the Summer of 2000 as tear gas crept under the door. Not bad considering the global site was an accident (it was all an accident!), after “Summer of Resistance 2000”, everybody was burned out, and the Mayday site got left running, and got picked up by people who had been to an action and took the idea of Indymedia home with them, or even people who had never been part of a media center and felt iit filled a need. I think it has done its time and deserved an honorable retirement, but as of T minus 4 hours looks like it will be surviving for another round. (those a bit more worn, and ugly for its transition)

Do to truly desperate times I got stuck doing the new design for Seattle IMC (which is now being served by a nifty, radically decentralized setup), you can see shades of things to come at, going live sometime in the next 12 hours or so.

God I’m tired.