It’s that time again. Shocking as it maybe I’ve been in Seattle for 6 months now, and my short term lease, which seemed like it would last into the unimaginably distant future is up at the end of February. (perhaps even more shockingly for those who know me, I’m not looking to move to a new city quite yet)

So if anyone knows of housing opportunities in Seattle, or of great people who are looking for a housemate please let me know. In particular I’m looking to share a house with youngish, easy going, at least moderately politically aware, mostly vegetarian folks, somewhere north of Lake Union, ideally Fremont/Ballard/Wallingford/University Distict/southern Phinney Ridge/southern Green Lake. I don’t drive, so I don’t want to be too far from work, or a grocery store. (though for the right situation I’d consider other neighborhoods)