I don’t drink mochas, I don’t add sugar to my coffee, I satisfy my sweet tooth by drinking sweet, fruity coffees. The French roasts of the world have their place (as do the “just this side of charcoal” roasts of Peet’s), but they really aren’t my thing. Rich, sweet beans, and medium roasts are where it’s at: Kona, premium Colombians, Sumatra. I drink Rao’s Sumatra Mandheling when I can get it, Trader Joe’s Moka Java when I can’t. And, as a general rule, I like peaberry coffees.

Peaberry coffees are kind of a novelty. Peaberry refers to when the coffee fruit forms a single bean instead of the usual two. They tend to have flavors which are described as dense, “dry and chocolatey”, “vanilla tones”. My kind of coffee. And the primo peaberry, I’ve always been told, is “Kauai Estate” peaberry. Which Trader Joe’s happens to be selling right now, $6/lb.

I’ve been drinking it for a week now. I’ve been varying my grind, amounts, and steeping times, and I just can’t get that much flavor out of it. Its pleasant, it definitely is dry, the aromas have a hint of chocolate, and it feels like its got a relatively high caffeine content. But there really just isn’t much too it. I almost wish it really was a “bitter” disappointment, then at least there would be something to cut the blandness.

(Actually I do make one or two exceptions to the mocha rule. Ocean Roasters in Providence, RI makes a mocha with unsweetened Barvarian chocolate milk that is an experience. And Gayle’s makes an exquisite bittersweet mocha, with the only whip cream I would consider allowing near a drink of mine.)