Creative Commons Tools in Perl?
Frankly I’m shocked, but I can’t find any tools for working with Creative Commons licenses in Perl. They exist for PHP, Python, and C#, come on folks! Where is your competitive spirit?
Seems like it would be fairly straight forward to make something very useful.
- OO representation of a license. Parse a license to an object, maybe tweak it a bit, write it back to a string/file
- Ideally should be able to load a license by uri (e.g.
- Do other nifty things someone who actually knew something about Creative Commons would suggest. But really I think 1, and 2 would cover it. This would then be the basis for other module writers who could write code to extract licenses from web pages, MP3s, and RSS feeds. (guess which one I was playing with) Straight forward yes, but I know I’ll never got to it.