Gelatinous in Seattle
Found an ongoing series on Seattle’s bountiful bubble tea options. So far they’re all concentrated on the Ave., but a future visit to the ID is promised.
- WOW Bubble Tea, “capitalistic Christians who want to take over the world with their [soft rock] music”, and serve bubble tea apparently.
- Pochi Tea Station – recommended (though mixed), and with WiFi, might be necessary to make a visit in name of public service. (Though it will have to wait until I get back, as I’ll be spending most of next week at the Junebug)
- Gingko Tea gets savaged. I can’t comment on the previous owners being a newcomer, but the current owner has always struck me more as eccentric then unfriendly, and they do a very good taro bubble tea.
Looking forward to the rest of the series. (though judicious use of categories would make it easier to link to)