I’ve got a hot business plan, and I’m giving it way. Thats right I’m waving my standard consultant fee to bring you this exclusive.

Roll out a national chain of produce stands featuring high quality, fresh produce, with an emphasis on locally grown and organic and locate them across from Trader Joe’s.

After all this is America, we don’t do that thing of driving around to each of the little specialty stores; we want to buy our produce the same place we buy our roasted garlic and fennel spaghetti sauce, and our mochi ice cream balls. And I can say from personal experience, that just a brief exposure to TJ’s produce selection leaves me in a traumatized, and impressionable state. (no produce section should feature that much plastic) Here is a list of potential franchise locations, and a list of local farmers. May I suggest the parking lot across from the Seattle University district Trader Joe’s might make an excellent pilot location?