Adventures in Capitalism
I’ve been intrigued by adwords, since before they were called adwords. Having had a start up that tried to do local marketing (and failed), and having friends in the same town start one that seems to be working, I was a big believer in the appropriateness of text ads from way back. However I have this habit of working on explicitly anti-capitalist, privacy sensitive sites, making them really bad candidates for ads, text of otherwise. Except for WifiMug. So, purely out of curiosity (operation costs are essentially nil) I added ads to the wiki. Some page include the advertising programmatically, while others are including it using some new custom wiki markup that I was able to hack into Kwiki in a couple of minutes. (I love Kwiki, really wish they would release version .20 which has been promised for forever) Will be interesting to see if people figure out how, and decide to remove the ads. (fyi, I’m not trying to challenge anyones ingenuity)
So far I’m pretty disappointed by the ads, all pretty generic and boring.