One of my all time favorite movies, the documentary Rivers and Tides: Working with Time was playing in Seattle until last night. Doh. Been meaning to write a blog entry all week that if you haven’t seen this movie, in theatre, you really should. Next time. Its beautiful, and strange, and the sublime work interacts in interesting ways with the picture of the artist.

I’m also gradually working my way through the excellent The Corporation, a documentary which examines that most central, and troubling institution of modern life, the corporation, by asking the question, “If corporations are people [as they are under our laws], what kind of people are they?” (and would you, for example, want them to move next door to you?). I’m thoroughly enjoying it, though Jasmine who attended a screening with the director and Chomsky of the editted for U.S. (where the 3 one hour segements are being show as a single movie) in mentions that it runs very long for a single sitting. Playing Santa Cruz June 11, Seattle June 18.