Continuing in my series of “it’s too late, you missed it” posts, the dahlia concert on Saturday was phenomenal. It was the last dahlia show “for a long long time”, and Jen was just coming from a wake and so you had a sense that you were watching it all disintegrate right there on stage. Watching the interplay of Keith and Jen live was amazing, they’ve clearly worked together for a long time. As soliloquy got mixed into song, and song gave way to improv, it was amazing stuff.

June 5th

The Fading Collection was also good, actually they were great with a similar romantic electronic beat thing going on. It was only in retrospect watching dahlia that the difference between FC who stood on stage and entertained, to Jen who took in the whole room was made clear. Still I picked up their current CD, and will probably be heading back to ToST June 5th for the release part of their next CD. (Also it’s probably beneath me to mention but the all white outfits got increasingly translucent as the place warmed up, that plus the sparkly eye make up made for an arresting effect) ### May 14th (Next Friday)

And to totally switch genres, Boston based folk singer and rabble-rouser David Rovics is in town this Friday(May 14th) at Seattle University, as part of a his Northwest tour. I’d go expect I’m going to be out of town. Some of his stuff his stuff is okay, a good chunk of its funny, and a handful are chillingly good (Glory and Fame for example)