Back at the Desk
Thanks to everyone who sent condolences. It doesn’t currently look like insurance is going to cover any of it, but hope springs eternal.
Other then a few rough spots it was a lovely week, kayaking around in the San Jauns was beautiful (I’ve got some pictures on my camera which wasn’t stolen, but will have to wait to be uploaded until I get a laptop to download then to), and Vancouver was interesting, much more urban, and diverse feeling then Seattle, and very lovely. I have to say though just mentioning you’ve been robbed in Vancouver brings out a well of similar stories; the people behind us at the coffee shop had had their backpack stolen the night before, we’ve met a number of folks who’ve experience car breakins, etc..
I recommend Vancouver highly, but as an international traveller (rental car with foreign plates, or large backpack) I think I would recommend operating on developing nation travel rules, at least as regard to property.
Voice mail is working again, but I still don’t have a new phone, email will reach me, but I’m digging out of a week backlog, and only at work. If I haven’t replied yet, I will soon.
For the record we were parked in a busy part of Stanley Park, and we weren’t gone for long. Also if you’re passport/birth certificate gets stolen, some sort of photo id, and your police filing number are recommended for getting back into the country.