Magpie Chugging Along Nicely
I noticed this morning that Magpie just crossed the 20,000 downloads threshold (yay for Sourceforge RSS), including 10,000 downloads in the last 6 months. Even more telling is the real explosion of interesting new services, articles, and projects all using Mapgie. (I’m trying to keep track of some of this Magpie links page, and some it on which is syndicated to the Magpie blog)
With Steve’s recent work we might finally kill the encoding issues which has plagued Mapgie since day one (anyone want to volunteer to come kill the encoding issues plaguing XML::RSS?).
And perhaps most surprising to me was a copy of Uncommon Grounds showing up at my door this weekend apparently purchased from my Amazon wishlist. (which I had forgotten I had, and to the best of my knowledge have never linked to, and is horribly out of date) Wow. This looks like a great book. Thank you.
And thanks to everyone who has been participating so far.