RSS/RDF catch up
Life has a been a little crazy (diagnosis: monomaniacal) of late. If I haven’t gotten back to you since around June 25th it isn’t personal, if I have, you’ve been lucky.
Among the many items piling up in my inbox, have been RSS/Magpie/RDF links. Here is a dump.
rss2jabber is a wicked cool script for sending out RSS updates over Jabber. Haven’t played with it extensively, but the possibles uses boggle the mind.
RSS-WML is a RSS feed viewer (aggregator) for WAP devices. Requires PHP, and MagpieRSS.
Jo wins the “making RDF accessible” award of late with Class::RDF, a CDBI based triplestore, and RDF::Simple. I think there must be something about England that encourages Perl coding, be it climate, or culture.
The “much anticipated” XML::RSS 1.05 should hit CPAN in the next few hours. There is also a chance it will be going to better caretaker soon. I just don’t have what it takes to drag this beast into the modern era. (but I’ll happily chatter on about what is wrong with it, if anyone cares)
In the Magpie coming soon (I promise, really) department, Steve’s character encoding patches, a patch from Glen Davies adding support for fetching RSS via authenticated proxies , improved documentation courtesy of firetrap, and an update of the recycle code to work with the latest and greatest FoF from Ernie Oporto.