Atom and Wiki Driven Testing
Its been a long standing todo to port Mark’s FeedParser tests to work against Magpie, possibly with an intermediate representation to allow cross-language testing. (has any work been down on capturing unit tests/acceptance tests in XML?) Sam’s [approach][testing-feedtools] hilights Ruby-the-language’s awesome flexibility (I’d been playing with something similar for the parser we wrote for [Odeo][odeo]), but doesn’t map to PHP/Magpie very well.
Phil kicked off a new round of testing for Atom 1.0, the results of which are now captured in the Atom wiki. (not to mention a few gentle nudges on Magpie’s lack of 1.0 compliance.)
All of which got me thinking, it would be exceptionally cool if someone made the FeedParser’s tests available on the [Atom wiki][atom-wiki] using Ward’s FIT concept in a documented, reportable fashion.
Any takers?