Notes from Social Graph Foo
Here is my quick dump of the notebook, probably useful to no one but me. Names mostly removed to protect the guilty.
I think “Social Graph” is kind of a dumb phrase to apply to the back question of relationships. I promptly re-dubbed the event “Social Foo” and thereby found interesting things to talk about. Kevin Marks proposed “social cloud”, clouds hide details. (operations people get hives when you talk about clouds)
XMPP, OpenID, OAuth are all going to be huge in 2008; DiSo, DataPortability, and Social Graph API aren’t as clear winners to me.
“Bowling Alone misses the point. There has been a transformative change from groups to networks. Groups are just a funny form of network.”
“Differentiated role networks”. Differentiated roles, and the failure of monolithic identity and friending were one of the things I went to Sebastopol to talk about this weekend, the people who got it got it, and everyone else wasn’t interested in the hard squishy details of real community. I think this might be the side effect of running social software for social softwares sake vs social software as bath for social media object sharing.
“Relationships can be broken down into 5 types: emotional aid, sociality, major help, minor help, and $$$”
Note to self: try block modeling interactions in high profile/high turn Flickr groups. (central, utata, etc)
No one really understands user expectations. Privacy expectation is currently, “unstable”.
Huge conceptual issues with the difference between public information hand aggregated, and public information computer aggregated. Cognitive dissonance ensues.
Rules, games, and rulesets. Modeling of social software as games. Tension of implicit vs. explicit rules. Mag.nol.ia’s altruism game derived from the cracks board (witnessing altruistic acts is a public good, way to update the Mag rules of game to support this?), Satisfaction’s status update game. Hoping Teresa can bring the quality gaming to BoingBoing’s anemic community. Social games + adversting.
Parody/pastiche as lit analysis. Investigate for web.
Social networks need NPCs. e.g. the Instructables Robot.
Standards works should be done in small groups, with a clear need, that selectively grow the list of participants. No hierarchy of early/late joiners (aka OAuth did it right)
“Everything public” bores me.
Beyond LAMP.
Find a feed for Nathan Eagle’s research.
<insert build=”” components=”” diagram:=”” how=”” to=”” xmpp=””></insert>
“locations rights management”
“trusts are largely not transitive”
Language communities are “small world networks”, partitions communities by language. 2-5 hops vs 8 in analyzed network.
The Plaxo way: “We gets ze data Lebowski”
“Twitter is my early warning system. My blood pressure has gone down over the last 18 months”
Identity and sharing can make everyone warm and fuzzy, but also came face to face with sobering consequences that kept me up at night with a bottle of tequila. Re-thinking proposed Flickr features.