Now that I think I’ve solved its various cache issue (except a lingering one, which I’m convinced is a bug in Safari), I’m please to announce…

The wireless coffee shops of Seattle wiki is now at its own domain,!

The best part about moving the wiki to its own domain (besides the boost in credibility) is this opens up the possibility for having a whole federated network, of loosely autonomous locale based wikis of wireless coffee shops. (in other words, write me if you want a subdomain for, say, or

Random Wiki Thoughts

  • Squid and wikis do not work well together. Its amazing how confused people can get when their changes don’t show up.
  • Wiki’s generate very little Google power, especially given their inherently linky, twisty, wordy nature. I blame WikiWords, and think perhaps wikis would be better served by displaying the above as Wiki Words.
  • RSS feeds of RecentChanges is match made in heaven.

Next Steps

Portability. When you need a wireless coffee shop often you are standed without connectivity, a drift without the life line of TCP/IP, and a website (even a wiki!) isn’t going to help. Some ideas: - Wiki in a box – it is easy to tar up, and download a Kwiki wiki sans version history (RCS gets grouchy about changing file permissions), making it easy and obvious to keep a local copy of the wiki on your laptop might be cool.

  • Auto-generate a PDF with names, addresses, and other key pieces of information (maybe on a personalized basis) for easy print out, and stuff in the pocket.
  • Palm sync/iSync support