By rights these should be MLPs, but whatever.

Martin spotted that Magpie is featured in the German magazine com-online/HomeP@age. It is even on the CD, which certainly makes the first time I know of that it has been distributed on CD.

In the Wild

Also there have been a few new additions to “people doing cool things with Magpie” page over the last month. Community aggregators, public aggregators which pull together resources for a particular topic or community in a shared space, seem to be whats hot, with three new ones. Programmers keeping building the “Daily Me”, and people keep suberting it.

  • QueerFilter is a community aggregator for GLBT weblogs and journals that uses Magpie as the parser
  • Hot Links is also a community aggregator with sweet twist. It aggregates low threshold links (linkblogs), and includes snapshot thumbnails of the target pages.
  • LinkLog an open source tool for building a community aggregator.
  • Rouge Valley IMC uses Magpie to parse RSS feeds which is particularily elating as this is what Magpie was originally written for. (and Portland IMC is using XML::RSS)